Sunday, June 12, 2011

hot temperatures = higher likelihood of zombie invasion?

I took the picture to the right in my car on the way to meet Sergei for chicken wings the other day, shortly after leaving work. Pretty damn hot, as you can see. What I'm trying to figure out is if a significantly higher temperature (such as a temperature >100 degrees Fahrenheit) makes us more or less vulnerable to a zombie invasion?

Now, my initial thought was that with the higher temperatures, people would be sweating more, skin would be a little looser, and people would be outside more and presumably hurting themselves, thus bleeding more... but is that at all relevant to what it would take to start a zombie invasion? My research thus far has yielded surprisingly little results, and if you look at it from a pop culture perspective, it seems that weather really has no impact. For instance, "Zombieland" occurs during what appears to be either spring or summer, while "Dead Snow," if it's not obvious from its name, occurs during the winter. In both cases, there are zombies-a-plenty.

Searching for "zombie attacks more likely hot weather" doesn't really tell me anything aside from the fact that you're more likely to be killed by extremely hot weather than a terrorist, so I might have reached a bit of a stone wall when it comes to my research in this area.

Do any of you have any ideas as to whether hot weather = higher likelihood of a zombie invasion? For the moment, for the reasons I outlined at the top of the post, I'm sticking with my original hypothesis that hot weather DOES, in fact, make it easier for the zombies to take over. But I'm open to changing my mind if someone can find some good reasons as to why.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

e.coli in europe - the beginning of the apocalypse?

So, unless you've been living under a rock over the past days, you're aware that the folks over in Europe are having a serious problem with E. Coli. Conventional wisdom holds that the zombie apocalypse will begin with the introduction of a virus that infects a small group who turn over a period of anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days. So, the real question is, will it be an E. Coli outbreak that gets things started? At least initially it seemed to be that the problem with E. Coli was contained in Europe, which means that in a matter of days, France will undoubtedly be surrending to Germany. The kicker, though, is that I heard recently that there was a case of E. Coli in my hometown in Tennessee -- if that's the case, it might already be on US shores!

So, if the virus has made it to US shores, it's only a matter of time before Patient Zero bites somebody, which infects them. And then they bite someone else, and infect them. Lather, rinse repeat, until such time as police and military barricades are being overrun and there are crashed helicopters in the middle of the street in residential neighborhoods.

Lock and load, people. The zombies are coming.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

an important exercise...

I really think it's important that we all think about this question at random points throughout the day, at random places in our offices and our homes. Because, really, when the zombies DO start to take over, you're going to have to grab whatever is closest. Might as well start thinking about that now, and always keep something zombie-lethal within reach. My fellow blogger Sergei would likely recommend the Mosin Nagant. Me? Baseball bats are a lot of fun. If you use aluminum, they make a pretty awesome sound.

UPDATE: It occurs to me that I should add what was directly to my left at the time of this posting. It's a water bottle. Pretty serious noob mistake. I'll make sure this never happens again.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Throwing a Zombie Hunting Party? How About a Themed Drink?

We all know that real Zombie Hunters live on whiskey but everyone likes to change it up now and then (such as using an AR-15 instead of a Mosin Nagant). Serious Eats posted a cool drink (get it) called Zombie Punch.

Serious Eats Zombie Punch Recipe